Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What I'm Thankful For...

It has been awhile since I have posted but I figured I just needed to sit down and update a little. We decided that since Kelly was unable to travel anywhere for Thanksgiving we would all come to him. It was the first time in quite awhile that we were all here together. (Unfortunately Kelly wasn't feeling well enough to come to Mom's for dinner so we all took turns and went and saw him) It really was a lot of fun to get together and just unwind for a bit. The cousins had a lot of fun teasing and laughing at each other. They really know how to have a good time. They had us all laughing the entire day.

Grandma was nice enough to let us have dinner at her house but only if we brought all the food and did all the clean up...hmmm...sounds like my kinda hostess gift!

Bob and Tracy came up from Arizona and Bill and Nancy came down from Idaho. Even though Kelly and Bonnie couldn't be there with us, we did get to have Kimber and Jen.

Bob and Tracy flew into town on Wednesday to surprise Annie, who is up here going to BYU and she was totally shocked. She just stood there in the restaurant with her mouth open for about 30 seconds and I am not exaggerating. I wish I would have had my camera but she might have caught on that something was up if I was wandering around town with her with a camera around my neck. We went and saw Twilight that night, which by the way I loved.

The next day was turkey day and along with that come the famous TURKEY BOWL. The young men in our neighborhood play football against the leaders every Thanksgiving morning. It always starts out as a "Friendly" game of flag football but it inevitably ends up going to a not so "friendly" game of tackle. The young men used to win quite frequently when Chad was on the team but now since he is on the men's team, the men are winning. Chad thinks that might have something to do with him. (Chad always thinks good things happen because of him) Chris came and played with them this year. It was fun to go and watch them both play together. With Chris on the line and Chad making catches, how could they lose?

It was a great weekend except for the fact the Bob ended up getting the flu Thursday night and was in bed until Saturday when they had to check out to go to the airport. Thanks Bob for exposing us all to the flu...let's see....what are we thankful for? Actually we all felt really bad for him and are glad that he is feeling much better and didn't "chuke" on the plane. (up chuck and puke all rolled into one) Here are some pics from the weekend! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving too. Wished we all could have been together, now that would be a party!

The cousins...

The girls

We all got a little tire of waiting for the food right Annie?

Once it got there, we all got a little excited

Bill and Bob sharing a moment

It has been quite awhile since Bill and Nancy have come down together and it was great to have them there.

What am I really thankful for? My Family!