I really wish that I had taken my camera because this town is a must see event. I had to travel to Rangely, Colorado last Friday to officiate a couple of college volleyball matches. I really wasn't looking forward to the 41/2 hour drive let alone having to spend the night but hey they pay my gas and my hotel right? How bad can it be? I honestly felt like I had entered the Twilight Zone. We left civilization and entered into this little town and there was nothing there...how can you possible have a college in a town where there isn't a fast food restaraunt, movie theater, bowling alley, nothing. There was this awesome museum...ummm?
The closest town with any of these things is an hour away. So my partner, Lisa, and I arrive and find our hotel...the Budget Host.
We decide to go to eat a the only restaraunt in town that serves breakfast (found it on the hotel brochure). We drive by and it was burned down...not joking. We are both just looking at each other and laughing...honestly what else could happen? We go back to the hotel and ask them where we can get breakfast and she tells us to go to the grocery store. Hmmm not quite the idea we had in mind. She then recommends this Italian place down the road a bit. Not really the breakfast food I had in mind but better than wandering the 3 isle grocery store.
I order the calzone and cut into it and I promise I found the most disgusting grey big old half a sausage just plopped into the middle of it. It looked like..I can't even say but you get the picture. It wasn't cut up, just plopped right into it. It is now that I remember that I have a camera on my phone. I got a couple of pics but that is about it and the quality isn't great. It is what it is I guess.
Some great pictures of Rangley, Colorado...
Looking down Main Street...hmmmm
We finally get done with our matches and head back home.
We drive to the nearest town and it is called Dinosaur, Colorado.
There are these paper mache looking dinosaurs all over this little town just randomly place around Main Street. All and all it was a good trip and definately a memory I will have for quite a while.
There are these paper mache looking dinosaurs all over this little town just randomly place around Main Street. All and all it was a good trip and definately a memory I will have for quite a while.
Not thinking I will be going back anytime soon though...lol
k- whoa!!! I'd take even the witches over the mystery town. What a living nightmare! I might have even slept in my car. At least you got a good blog story about it. Pretty entertaining indeed!
You must make up your stories because they are way too good! haha I could totally picture your "umm..."s and your "WOW"s!
Okay, that questionable sausage it jsut disgusting. I think I would have chosen the grocery store. And your room, just too much for me. I probably would have traveled the other mile to see what I could find there. Way too creepy. But you always have such great stories and you are a better sport than me to tough it out, Aunt Terri.
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